Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Grand Theft Auto V PC version leaked by retailers

As we know, GTA V is only the game of which millions of gamers waiting hardly to have some hands on this.
And there is no official released said about pc. but the only said Xbox and PlayStation will be release on spring 2013, In this pic first of all they written their XP,Vista, and 7 and second they said it will release in December 15 by an other retailer known as komplett.no.
but we think that this pic is just a mistaken done by Amazon France, Because before this many retailers post mistaken games before it's official release. Like happened to COD Black Ops 2.
Rock Star Games will take some time to launch it officially to PC.


  1. hmm, nice info. i'm hardly waiting for this game

  2. Why they not releasing it with Xbox and play station ?

    1. THe problem is, Microsoft or any other studio like Sony won't buying this game. That's what i know.

